- 英漢雙語笑話:One Side of the Case 一面之辭
- one side of the case
a judge asked our group of potential jurors whether anyone should be excused, and one man raised his hand."i can't hear out of my left ear," the man told the judge."can...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:A Smugglar 走私犯
- a smugglarthe suspicious-looking man drove up to the border, where he was greeted by a sentry. when the guard looked in the trunk, he was surprised to find six sacks bulging at the seams."wha...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:My First and My Last 第一次與最后一次
- my first and my lastwhen george was thirty-five, he bought a small plane and learned to fly it. he soon became very good and made his plane do all kinds of tricks.george had a friend. his nam...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:First Flight 第一次坐飛機
- first flight
mr. johnson had never been up in an aerophane before and he had read a lot about air accidents, so one day when a friend offered to take him for a ride in his own small phane,...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:A Nail Or A Fly? 釘子還是蒼蠅?
- a nail or a fly?
an old gentleman whose eyesight was failing came to stay in a hotel room with a bottle of wine in each hand. on the wall there was a fly which he took for a nail. so the mo...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:A Soldier's Brilliant Idea 士兵的高招
- a soldier's brilliant idea
mr. robinson had to travel somewhere on business, and as he was in a hurry, he decided to go by air. he liked sitting beside a window when he was flying, so when he go...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:I'll See to the Rest 其余的事由我負責
- i'll see to the rest
a guard was about to signal his train to start when he saw an attractive girl standing on the platform by an open door, talking to another pretty girl inside the carriage."c...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:兩個笨賊
- two robbers were robbing a hotel. the first robber said, "i hear sirens. jump!" the second one said, "but we're on the 13 th floor!" the first one screamed back, "this is no tim...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:你是正常人嗎?Are you a normal person?
- Are you a normal person?你是正常人嗎?During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the director ..., "What is the criterion that defines a patient to be institutionalized?" "Well..." s...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:A Bad Impression 一個壞印象
- a bad impression
six people were travelling in a compartment on a train. five of them were quiet and well behaved, but the sixth was a rude young man who was causing a lot of trouble to the...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:New Discovery 新發現
- New Discovery
A hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time. Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room. The doors closed, lights flashed, and after a...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:會說話的鐘 Talking clock
- While proudly showing off his new apartment to friends, a college student led the way into the den. "What is the big brass gong and hammer for?" one of his friends asked. "That is the talking...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:銀行有多少人
- how many people have an american stepped into a gun shop,"give me the most powerful pistol." "how many bullets do you need?" the american walked to a telephone booth,"hello. is that t...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 雙語哲理笑話:到底是誰的錯?
- a man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. he reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. he descended a bit more and shouted, "excuse me, can you he...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:什么是性行為?
- a little girl runs out to the backyard where her father is working, and asks him, "daddy, what's sex?" her father sits her down, and tells her a...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 爆笑雙語:戰無不勝“大女人”
- if you kiss her, you are not a gentleman 吻她吧,不夠君子 if you don't, you are not a man 不吻吧,不象漢子 if you prais...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英國學生考試答題笑話百出
- 無論是筆誤也好,無知也罷,學生們在考試和論文中犯的種種錯誤常令教師們啼笑皆非。一年一度的《泰晤士報高等教育雜志》(the times higher educa...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 雙語幽默:Who's That? 那人是誰啊?
- 話說有個人可有名呢,比湯姆克魯斯有名,比克林頓更有名,比教皇有名...這人是誰啊?bubba was bragging to his boss one day, "you know, i know everyone there is to know. just name someone, anyone, and i know them....
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 雙語幽默:別跟媽媽說謊 看外國男女合租的事
- john invited his mother over for dinner. during the meal, his mother couldn't help noticing how beautiful john's roommate was. she had long been suspicious of a relationship between john and h...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 雙語幽默語錄:經典體壇名言幽默
- chicago cubs outfielder andre dawson on being a role model: "i want all the kids to do what i do, to look up to me. i want all the...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:你是同性戀嗎?Are You Gay?
- a man dies and due to his evil and sinful life, goes to hell. the devil himself meets him at the gates of hell and tells him, "i don't know what all you've heard up there, but hell isn't all...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:雞蛋和10000美元的背叛
- one day, while sue was cleaning under the bed, she found a small box. curious, she opened it and found 3 eggs and 10,000 dollars. a little bit suspicious, she confronted her husband of twenty years ab...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:你不配用電腦!什么人不配用電腦?
actual dialog of a former...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 英漢雙語笑話:電腦新病毒的警告
- this just in : new virus warningif you receive an e-mail with a subject line of "badtimes," delete it immediately without reading it. this is the most dangerous email virus yet.it will re-wri...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事 -
- 趣味英語:一份很雷的大學入學申請書
- this is an actual essay written by a college applicant, when applying to nyu where he now attends.i am a dynamic figure, often see...
2018-10-29 英語笑話_英文笑話_英語幽默小故事